Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pure. Simple. Writing. Tool.

This program is like a zen experience.

From a creative team in Barcelona comes a word processor unlike any you've ever used. Clean, seamless, intoxicatingly simple, OmmWriter is a tool that gets you away from distractions and back to the whole point of writing: writing.

This is a great resource for writers! There's nothing between you and the words; it's a place where you can escape the internet, taskbars, rows upon rows of icons, and spell check. It also comes with--get this--ambient music. Imagine the possibilities for a stream-of-consciousness rant! Simply bask in the pleasure of a naked. raw. field. And enjoy the wind-chimes.

And the best part is that it's completely free! You can pay a little extra to add more sound effects and background options, but you don't have to. Simply go onto and download it for the Mac, PC, or iPad.

Then sit back and enjoy the zen.

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